The long awaited update. I am your new webmaster. How do you
like the site. Explore it and find many new features, and
there is much more to come. I plan not to run this site with
my own ideas, but to allow others to contribute. If you have
any ideas, comments, pictures, or anything else that you want
to post on this site email me. Don't like the website, then
email me some things that can make it better. We can all
contribute and make nice site. -Your New Webmaster
"For God loved the world so
much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes
in Him may not die but have eternal life."-John 3:16
Like God we have all
grown to love and cherish one another. The students in the
Bethzatha Youth Group have grown up so much in their walk in
Christ. From our first steps when we were born again to the
steps that we are making today, we live for Christ. We try to
abide by these rules and try hard to become a better Christian
so that one day, our loving father, may use each and everyone
one of us to spread his good news, to spread his message, and
to spread his love.
-Sung Hoon Juhng
New York Bethzatha Church of God
85-20 57th Ave., Elmhurst, NY 11373
number: 718-478-8900
fax: 718-478-7329 (specify Youth Group)